Articles on: Maintenance


Users with assigned tasks or active reminders can view all of them in the Dashboard. The dashboard panel has four parts:

Inspections in progress - Incomplete inspections
Pending inspections - Inspections that are due but not started
Assigned issues - defects or incidents marked on the map, where you are selected as assignee
Supervised issues - defects or incidents marked on the map, where you are selected as supervisor
Active reminders - Reminders where the set time has come up

Admins and users with appropriate permissions can assign issues or inspections in Maintenance plans to other users or themselves. Learn more about permissions here.

When logging into GISGRO, you will see a pop-up informing you of new tasks with a Show Tasks button. You can also access tasks from the Dashboard button on the right-side toolbar.

Selecting a task from the Inspections in progress list will open the inspection panel for that task. You must finish the inspection to remove it from the list. If you wish to return to the Dashboard, click the <- arrow on the top of the Inspection panel.

Selecting a task from Pending inspections opens the inspection panel for that task. If you create and save changes, it will move from the Pending inspections list to the Inspections in progress list.

Learn more about inspections here!

Selecting a defect or an incident from the Assigned issues list opens a panel where you can add information or change the status. You must choose the Done status to remove the issue from the Assigned issues list.

Selecting a defect or an incident from the Supervised issues list opens a panel where you can add information or change the status. Returning to the Dashboard removes the issue from the list. However, it will appear again if other users make changes to it.

Learn more about defects and incidents!

If the user has appropriate permissions, they can view & review the reports from done inspections in the Maintenance plans. They can also access all defects and incidents from the right-side toolbar.

Updated on: 25/11/2024

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