File formats
Importable file formats
Upload panel
Need to be in a global coordinate system and assigned height reference system, and compressed into one ZIP file
ZIP file maximum size 2GB & amount of points 50 million
Supported 3D model formats: .obj & .ifc
If the .obj file includes textures, include also the .mtl and .png/.jpeg -files to the same compressed ZIP file, if they exist.
Supportedpoint cloud file formats: .asc, .xyz, .csv, .txt, .las.
Files should include coordinates in X, Y, Z format. Separators can be space, comma, tabulator, vertical bar, colon, or semicolon.
Supported formats: .GeoJSON, .DXF, .DWG, .shp
360 photos
Longtitude & Latitude coordinates and compass heading data (PoseHeadingDegree) required
Supported formats: .jpeg, .png
Can be uploaded via Upload panel or Organisation settings -> Locations
Supported formats: .DXF
Can be added to all markers, contracts and maintenance plans inspections
Supported file formats: You can upload any file as an attachment. There is a preview possibility for following file formats: .PDF, .JPG
Import measurements
Supported formats: .DXF
Import area for volume calculation
Supported formats: .DXF
Vessel library
Vessel outline
Supported formats: .DXF, .DWG (latest supported version DWG2018/AC1032)
Import geospatial file formats
You can import geospatial files in various places within the GISGRO system. Some file formats do not contain coordinate system information. In these cases, your Port’s coordinate system is used. The following sections describe details about the specifics of the file formats supported by GISGRO.
GeoJSON files can optionally contain a coordinate reference system definition. If it’s used, then GISGRO will use the CRS reported in the file. Otherwise, GISGRO will use the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) datum, with longitude and latitude units of decimal degrees as specified by IETF RFC 7946.
GISGRO supports reading DXF files generated by all recent versions of AutoCAD. Any arcs, ellipses, circles and rounded polylines are approximated with respective linestring geometries. Hatches are imported as areas (polygons) in GISGRO. Any block references within DXF files are expanded with the geometry of the block they reference.
Styling information for geometries is generally lost when importing them from DXF files.
Since DXF doesn’t support georeferencing, the organisation’s coordinate reference system is used when importing DXF files.
GISGRO supports all versions of DWG file formats all the way up to DWG 2018 (AC1032) both in binary and ASCII format. Any arcs, ellipses, circles and rounded polylines are approximated with respective linestring geometries. Hatches are imported as areas (polygons) in GISGRO. Any block references within DWG files are expanded with the geometry of the block they reference.
Styling information for geometries is generally lost when importing them from DWG files.
Since DWG doesn’t support georeferencing, the organisation’s coordinate reference system is used when importing DWG files.
GISGRO supports the DGN v8 file format. Generally speaking, any concept of complex objects, and cells as associated components is lost. Each component of a complex object or cell is imported as an independent feature. Any arcs, ellipses, circles and rounded polylines are approximated with respective linestring geometries. Shape and ComplexShape objects are imported as areas (polygons) in GISGRO.
ESRI Shapefile
ESRI Shapefiles are supported for points, linestring and area (polygon) geometries. Since ESRI Shapefiles consist of multiple files, they can be uploaded to GISGRO by firstly combining them to a zip archive and then uploading the zip to GISGRO.
Updated on: 03/02/2025
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