Articles on: Digital twin

Get started

Dataset shared to you in GISGRO?

Datasets shared with you are automatically added to your GIGRO account, you can start by exploring shared datasets & reports, see more here. With GISGRO, you can also upload your own 3D data, assets, or 360° photos. See more in overview.

Set coordinate system

Organisation specific coordinate system helps you to get more accurate data to GISGRO. If you are not sure about your coordinate system, you can postpone setting it. A coordinate system will be used as

Default coordinate system when uploading 3D data
Asset & other marker data will be set to a selected coordinate system

Ask your local administrator about your organisation's coordinate system. If you want to change the coordinate system, please contact

Upload data

You can start uploading data anytime, just click a data type and select file. Read more about uploading 3D datasets, assets, and 360° photos.

Navigate maps

2D view navigation

You can easily navigate GISGRO with your mouse:

Scrolling with the mouse will zoom in or zoom out.
A single left-click on elements on the map (datasets, markers) will likely open more options related to that element.
A single right-click anywhere on the map will open more options, such as Add asset, Report defect, Report incident, Add note, Add area marker and Add line marker.
Left-click and drag allows you to tilt and rotate the map
To pan, left-click and drag the map in any direction.

You can also use the navigation button in the bottom-right corner. You can zoom in and out with + and -, set map orientation to North, and turn on your location. Please note that a prompt will ask you to allow GISGRO access to your location information.

To see more options when right-clicking anywhere on the 2D or 3D map, you must have permission to add new data to GISGRO. Please read more about it here.

3D view navigation

Use your mouse to navigate the 3D view:

Scrolling with the mouse will zoom in or zoom out.
A single left-click and drag lets you rotate the map around the vertical and horizontal axis, tilting or rotating the view.
A single right-click opens more options, such as Add note, Report defect, Report incident and Add asset.
Double left-click changes the location of the center of rotation.
Right-click and drag lets you move the camera position or the view center left-right and up-down.

In the lower-left corner of the screen, you can see the camera orientation on a smaller 2D map.

The 3D view usually shows the rotational center that helps you navigate the rotation and the camera's point of view. You can turn this off or on from the Layers button in the right-side toolbar.

Note that there is no reset view button. The view will reset every time you exit the 3D view.

If you are the admin or have access to editing datasets, you can change the default camera angle for the view. Once you set the camera as you like in 3D view, click the Edit button on the information panel for the dataset. A new panel will appear with a camera button at the bottom. Click the button and confirm the image for the dataset. Your current camera angle and location will become the new default view.

Invite users

You can invite users via organisation settings, there you can also define user groups which help you to define permission levels. Read more in Organisation settings.

Updated on: 25/11/2024

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