Articles on: Digital twin

Manage users


The Users section allows you to add and remove users and see pending invitations.

Managing users

The Users tab shows the list of current users. From the list, you can give or remove Admin rights for individual users. You can also delete users by clicking the red trash bin button on the right. To find a specific user, you can start writing their name in the search bar.

The Invite user tab allows you to invite a new user to your organisation. When inviting a new user, you need to write in the user’s email, assign them to a user group and click the Send invitation button. You can also immediately grant the new user admin rights.

The user group defines the permissions that the user has when logging into GISGRO. Learn more about user groups here.

The Invitations tab shows you all the invitations that haven’t been accepted yet. You can cancel an individual invitation by clicking the red trash bin button on the right.

Organisation admins

As mentioned above, you can select users who have admin rights. These users will then have access to all settings and maintenance plans, and be able to upload data to GISGRO. Defining different access rights for these users does not affect their admin permission.

Organisation admins are responsible for keeping the user list up to date.

Updated on: 25/11/2024

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