Print map as a PDF
Before you start printing your map as a PDF, select all features which you want to be visible on the map - e.g., bathymetric chart, volume calculation, vessels, and measurements. Activate the map print tool from the upper right toolbar and select paper size and scale. You can use predefined or custom values.
Print map will always print the current state of the map. With the preview, you will see the final version of the map.
In the preview you can change the location of the print with arrows. You can generate and download your PDF by clicking Generate PDF.
With options, you can select the information that will be presented in your PDF map.
With custom sounding spacing, you can define different spacing for your soundings. Default sounding spacing is defined by your zoom level. You can also adjust the vessel name text size and force any hidden vessel names to be visible. Overlapping vessel names are hidden by default!
Note! Changes to sounding spacing will be presented only in preview mode.
Add important information to your map with labels. If you don't need any labels on your map, you can uncheck Labels under the Options panel.
Some labels will be presented as a default, such as organisation name and coordinate system. Also, if you have e.g. bathymetric tool or volume calculation active while printing the map, the information from these tools will be automatically added as labels. For example, the data included in the report from the volume calculation tool.
You can hide the predefined labels from your map by clicking the eye icon. You can also add new labels by clicking Add label. Change the order of labels by dragging from the line icon on the left.
Updated on: 25/11/2024
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