Release notes 2025
January, 2025
Manage your port call data efficiently with our new table view
You can now view port calls including details in their own table view in addition to the calendar on the map side! The content of the table is completely customizable and you can easily select to view just the information you are interested in and save these settings as a bookmark. Contracts also got new sections added and they have been divided based on the type of the contract. In addition you can now add more details like termination period and customer reference to contract details! We also updated the emission factors in Green, added a comparison chart for energy emission sources and separated the emissions outside of terminal in AIS calculation.
Digital twin
Calculate volume using a cut height of your choosing: You can now type in a value outside of the given scale and this will be used in the calculation. The scale will also be updated to cover the given value!
Contracts divided into Sales/Purchases/Other: Contracts have now three different sections to help with organising information. First choose the wanted section from the left corner of the window based on the type of the contract you are adding and start by clicking the + button.
New fields for contract details: You can now fill in the termination period & date and customer reference to the contract details.
Price type FIXED/UNIT: When adding a billable product to the contract you can choose if you want to type in a fixed price or unit price.
Vessel traffic
New Port calls table: Access the Port calls table view via Vessel events in the left side navigation panel. Find information you are interested in by setting filters, choose which details are shown and in what order and save these settings as bookmarks.
IMO number now included in AIS details: When viewing AIS information on the map and clicking on a vessel you can see the IMO number among the other details.
Updated emission factors: EMEP/EEA traffic emission calculation guidelines have been updated in 2023-2024. We use the updated emission factors from the beginning of 2025.
Comparison chart to energy emissions: You can now see comparison by energy source in energy emission dashboard.
Not in terminal option in AIS calculation: Emissions from stationary vessels outside of predefined berths are now tagged as “Out of terminal”, so they can be separated from the other emissions.
February, 2025
Switch the search logic to work for your needs
You can now choose whether you want the tag search field to give you results matching any or all of the tags. This search possibility is available for all datatypes that can have tags attached! We improved the shareable portmap so that you can view additional details like description, link and attachments by clicking on assets. This way it's even easier to share information outside of GISGRO! The Contacts list was also updated to the new completely customizable table view which was released earlier for port calls.
Digital twin
Table view for Contacts: View the details of your clients and stakeholders in the new table view by opening Contacts from the left side navigation panel. Find information you are interested in by setting filters, choose which details are shown and in what order and save these settings as bookmarks.
ALL/ANY search with tags: You can now choose to search for markers that have all the selected tags attached to them or only some. When the circle in front of the tag field has multiple dots in it the markers with all the tags are being searched. If you click on the circle only one dot appears and the search switches to looking for markers with any of the tags!
New Helpdesk: We have replaced GISGRO Userguide with a new Helpdesk! The articles giving instructions on all the tools & features have been organised by modules so it would be as easy as possible to locate the info you are looking for. Go check it out here:
*This feature below is not automatically active on your digital twin. If you are interested in this please contact!
Improved Shareable portmap: Our portmap which can be embedded directly to your website or opened via a link now makes it possible to share even more specific and detailed information by clicking on assets. You can determine yourself what details you would like to have shown when clicking and we will update your map accordingly!
Updated on: 12/02/2025
Thank you!