Articles on: Surveyor


Share dataset

Sharing datasets to your client via GISGRO is easy: Just click share and add an email to invite your client to access the data! Your client will be able to view the data for as long as you have an active license in GISGRO.

Click on Share datasets button and select the dataset(s) to be shared from the drop down menu. You can select multiple datasets to share at once
You can see the datasets you have selected here and can add or remove them from the field
Enter the email of the client
Add optional information, this will be added to the email which client receives
Click Share

You can also share a dataset by clicking Share on the dataset info panel in 2D or 3D

Datasets you shared will now have the status Shared. The client will receive an email with a link to either register their account to GISGRO or log in if they already have an account. After the first login, new users will accept the datasets automatically. Users with previously made accounts will get a pop-up about the new datasets and they can choose to add them to the account straight away or do it later. The status of the dataset will update to Accepted after it has been added to the account. You can search shared datasets from the Browse shares tool. You can filter them by organisation name, email, or with advanced search by date range. You can also sort them by selecting the Show accepted option.

Any editing done after sharing the dataset will not be updated on the client’s side!

Cancel sharing

You can cancel the share to the client only if the dataset has not been accepted yet. After the client has accepted it, you can no longer cancel the share and the client will have access to the dataset for as long as you have an active license in GISGRO.

To cancel a share:

Click Share datasets and then Browse Shares
Open the share by clicking the email in the list
Click Cancel

When browsing the shares you can see which ones have been accepted from the green icon infront of the email in the list view

Archiving dataset

You can archive your datasets by choosing a dataset via Browse datasets and clicking Archive from the menu button in the upper right corner of the dataset info panel.

You can view all your archived datasets by selecting Show archived option under advanced search on the Browse datasets panel. You can restore your archived datasets by clicking Restore from the menu button in the dataset info panel.

Archiving a shared dataset doesn’t affect the clients ability to access it

Viewing shared data as client

When a client registers an account for the first time a new organisation is created in GISGRO and they will become Admin users of it. The account has a viewer license which is active for as long as the surveyor has an active license in GISGRO.

The viewer license allows the client to:

View the dataset in 3D
Download the original files
View the report and observations
Download the report
Edit all the dataset details except coordinate system
Delete or archive datasets
Use all the measurement tools & cross section tool
Upload more datasets and documents into the account
Define the basemap used from layers
Invite new users to the account
Edit organisation details and set locations

Updated on: 12/02/2025

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