File formats & requirements
Minimum requirements
To get started with GISGRO, make sure these requirements are met! Computer Minimum 4 GB of RAM Discrete GPU with at least 1 GB of memory Operating System The following operating systems (or newer): Windows 7 Mac OS X 10.6 Linux version 4.0 Internet Browser Two latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Internet Connection Broadband internet connection with at least 10 Mbps transfer ratePopularFile formats
Importable file formats Upload panel Datasets Need to be in a global coordinate system and assigned height reference system, and compressed into one ZIP file ZIP file maximum size 2GB & amount of points 50 million Supported 3D model formats: .obj & .ifc If the .obj file includes textures, include also the .mtl and .png/.jpeg -files to the same compressed ZIP file, if they exist. Supportedpoint cloud file formats: .asc, .xyz, .csv, .txt, .las. Files should includeFew readers
Terms of use
Terms of use - Surveyor License
1. GENERAL These terms constitute the license agreement between the party providing data and reports to end users by using the software (“Licensee”) and GISGRO Ltd (“GISGRO”), a Finnish company headquartered at Yrjönkatu 42, FIN-40100 Jyväskylä, Finland. This Agreement shall govern the use of software for viewing and analysing data marketed with the brand name “GISGRO” and fully developed by GISGRO (“Software”). The Software shall be used by Licensee for the purposes of providing aPopularTerms of use - Utiliser License
1. GENERAL These terms constitute an end user license agreement between the end user (“Client”) and GISGRO OY (“GISGRO”), a Finnish company headquartered at Yrjönkatu 42, FIN-40100 Jyväskylä, Finland. These Terms shall govern the use of software for viewing and analysing data (“Software”) marketed with the brand name “Gisgro” and fully developed by GISGRO regardless of the license type of the Client The Software may be used in connection with and for the storage and evaluation of any dataPopular