Articles on: Digital twin

Access rights

As an admin user, you can create user groups that help you manage what users see and do within your organisation. You can do this with Access rights under Organisation settings.

The Access rights window offers the option to search the existing groups and filter them by a username or assigned permission and to add a new user group with the top-right +button.

First Steps

Click the top-right +button to add a new group. Start by giving your new user group a name and note that a user group name is required.

Next, select the users you want in the user group by clicking on the username from the drop-down list or typing in the username in the Add user field. Click the X button on the left if you need to remove a user from the group.

Once the user group name and users are defined, continue to the Permissions section.

You can add a user group without any users in it and invite the users afterwards!

Choosing the Right Permissions

From the Add permission field, choose permission from a drop-down list. The sorting of permissions into

Berth reservations,
Organisation settings, and

indicates that they affect different parts of the GISGRO app.

There are five permission levels:

Upload – Users with this permission can upload datasets (this option is only available for datasets)
Report – Users can create selected data and view, edit and delete the data created by themselves.
View – Users can only view selected data.
Edit – Users can view and edit selected data. They cannot delete or add data.
Manage – Users can view, edit, delete and add new data.

Data permissions

For Data, you can choose permissions for

360 photos,
Stevedoring projects,
Port call management and
Map layers

When you select Assets, more options will appear. First choose the permission level from the given options; view, edit, manage.

The Categories option allows you to define which categories of assets will be available to the user group. You must select at least one category.

The Include new categories option – automatically adds newly created categories to the list for this user group.
The Include assets without category option – allows access to assets that do not have an assigned category.

The Locations option allows you to define which locations will be available to the user group. You must select at least one location.

The Include assets without location option – gives access to assets that are not within any defined location.

Both categories and locations can be selected by either typing in the name or selecting them from the drop-down list.

Contracts have similar options as Assets. You can set the permission level from the three options and then choose which categories of contracts will be available to the user group.

Datasets offer four options for permission level; Upload, View, Edit and Manage. With Upload permission there are no additional options. It allows the user to only upload new datasets but not to finalise them or have any type of access to other datasets. For the other levels you can select individual or all datasets to share with the user group. Defining Locations is the same as for Assets. You must select either dataset or location for this permission!

360° Photos also offers more options in choosing the permission level and locations. You must select at least one location!

Defects offer three options for permission level; View, Report and Manage. Defining Locations is the same as for Assets. You must select at least one location.

Incidents offer three options for permission level; View, Report and Manage. You must select the level to be able to save the permission.

When you select permission for Notes, Documents, Stevedoring projects or Port call management the user can view, edit, delete and add new. These permissions do not offer any additional options.

With Map layers the user can only view the selected data with the permission. Choose individual or all Map layers to share from the drop down menu.

Berth reservation permissions

For Berth reservations you can choose either the View berth reservations permission or Manage berth reservations permission and define with this what the users in the group can do. These permissions do not offer any additional options.

Organisation permissions

For Organisation settings, you can choose permissions for Categories (asset, contract), Cost idices, Locations, Tags (asset, issue, contract), and Contacts. These permissions do not offer any additional options.

Categories – users in the user group can access Categories’ settings and edit, delete, and add new.
Contract categories – users in the user group can access Categories’ settings under Contract management and edit, delete, and add new.
Cost indices – users in the user group can access Cost indices’ settings and edit, delete and add new.
Locations – users in the user group can access Locations’ settings and edit, delete, and add new.
Asset tags – users in the user group can access Tags’ settings under Asset management and edit, delete, and add new.
Issue tags – users in the user group can access Tags’ settings under Issue management and edit, delete, and add new.
Contract tags – users in the user group can access Tags’ settings under Contract management and edit, delete, and add new.
Contacts – users in the user group can access Contacts and edit, delete, and add new.

Other permissions

Other permissions include Berthing plans, Maintenance plans, Emergency plans and Saved measurements. These permissions do not offer any additional options. With the permission the user is allowed to access, edit, delete and create the content in question.

Next steps

Finally, once you select all the needed permissions, click the Save button in the bottom-right corner.

You can always return to the user group settings if you change your mind about what permissions to include. Select the user group to edit and navigate to the Permissions section. To edit permission, click the Edit icon on the top right. Remember to save changes.

If you want to delete a user group, open the user group’s settings and navigate to General. You can see a Delete button under the user group name. When you click the Delete button, a prompt will ask you to confirm the action. Please note that deleting a group is permanent and cannot be undone.

Updated on: 03/02/2025

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