Articles on: Community

Berth reservations for stakeholders

With GISGRO Community you can add and manage berth reservations easily. You can also check the availability of the berths with our visual platform combining the calendar view and map of the port.

If you want to view the calendar on full screen you can click on the icon on the up right corner of the calendar!

View the calendar & map

You can choose which quays you want to view by selecting from the drop down menu and change the calendar to show day, week or month view. Click on a reservation or a port call in the calendar to view all details related to it. If the reservation was made by another stakeholder with the option to hide vessel details in use, vessel name won’t show!

If a reservation or a berth call is visualised in the calendar with a dashed line it means some vessel details are missing

Add reservations

You can add reservations from the Reservations list or straight from the calendar on the map side if you have the permission to make a reservation without confirmation from the port.

Via reservation list

To add a reservation via the list view open Reservations from the left side panel and click on the Add new button. Start by selecting a vessel from the drop down menu. Check the size and draught info set for the vessel and if the current info is incorrect click on the edit icon to change the dimensions and save. Set the ETA and ETD for the reservation and select a berth from the list of available ones. Only the berths with sufficient depth and lenght are offered as options!

If you have the permission to add new vessels you have an Add new button next to the vessel menu

Click Next to proceed and check that the details of the vessel and reserved berth are correct. You can define the origin and destination Locodes or port names under Reservation details and give additional information with an open field if you want to. After you are done with setting all the information click Confirm and the status of the reservation updates to Pending and the port gets a notification about a new reservation. The port can then accept, edit or reject the reservation and include a message stating the reason for possible rejection. When the reservation is accepted (as it was sent or with the edits) the status will update to Confirmed. If it gets rejected the status will change to Cancelled. You will get notifications of all these actions!

Select the Hide vessel details from other stakeholder companies option if you don’t want the vessel name to show on their calendar view. The hiding of vessel details can also be configured for your Community organisation and in this case you don’t see the option when making reservations!

Via calendar

To add a reservation via the calendar open the map view and bring your cursor over a berth you would like to add a vessel to. Double click on the spot and search for the right vessel by typing the name or IMO number on the field. After selecting the vessel you can see it’s details! The vessel will also appear on the map above the calendar and you can move it to the correct location on the berth by dragging with your mouse. You can also set the location by selecting the stern bollard and distance to it in meters in the fields on the right side panel. Edit the reservation ETA and end ETD by dragging the reservation bar on the calendar or setting the correct date and time in the fields. Choose the mooring side by clicking either the red or the green button or leave it open by clicking one of the options twice. After you are done with setting all the details click Save.

If the vessel details are incorrect you need to edit these via Reservations list!

Manage reservations

To view, edit or cancel existing reservations open Reservations from the left side panel. You can search and filter the reservations for example by status, berth or time and upload the search results as an excel. The excel contains the port call details as well if the vessel has already visited the port!. Click on a reservation from the list to view it’s details and to Edit or Cancel it. Note that you can’t edit cancelled reservations. You can change all the shown details except for the possible port notes. When you are done editing click Next and finish the reservation as usual. The port will then get a notification of the new edited reservation to process.

Port can add notes to reservations and these will be visible below the reservation details. You will also be notified of added notes via email!

Edit reservations via calendar

From the calendar you can edit the berth, location of the vessel at the berth, ETA & ETD and mooring side. If you want to move a reservation to another berth you can first click on it, then hold Shift key and drag with with left mouse button. GISGRO will notify you if the new berth isn’t suited for the vessel due to it’s dimensions! If you move a reservation to a berth that you don’t have the permission to make reservations to without confirmation from the port, it will become pending. The port will then get a notification of the edited reservation to process.

If you have the permission to add mooring lines you can also do this via the calendar! Read more about this tool here.

Swap reservations

You can swap reservations in the calendar by pressing shift key and dragging a reservation on top of another with left mouse button. The selected reservations will then turn red! When you drop the reservation you were dragging GISGRO will ask if you want to swap the reservations. GISGRO will notify you if the new berths aren’t suited for the vessels due to their dimensions and the swap can’t be made. The swapping will give the reservations new berths, locations at the berths, reservation times and mooring sides. Vessels and their details will stay as they were!

Define the base map

Click on the Layers button on the up right corner to set a base map of your choosing. You can choose from LIGHT/DARK/SATELLITE by clicking!

Access data shared to you

The port can set map layers and assets to be visible in Community. Click on the Layers button on the up right corner to view the map layers shared with you. Open the layers on the map by clicking!

Click on the Assets button on the top right corner and select the Show assets option. Define which assets you would like to look at by selecting a category from the drop down menu. You can filter the assets even more with specific tags! The assets that match the search criteria are shown on a list and also on the map. If you would like to view the details of one asset you can click it from the list or the map. If you want to hide the assets just deselect the Show assets option!

Updated on: 04/02/2025

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