Articles on: Vessel traffic

Berthing plans

In GISGRO, you can easily plan the optimal berth for an arriving vessel. You can save your berthing plans and edit them.

Vessel library

Click open the Vessel library from the upper left corner tools and select a vessel saved earlier or add a new one by clicking the +button. You can edit already existing vessels and add new ones with more details from the Vessel library page you can access via left side navigation panel. Read more about the Vessel library page here! After you have selected a vessel, you can place it on the map by clicking. To move or rotate the vessel, first activate it by left-cliking on the map or from the list (the active vessel is shown red), then drag it by holding down the left-button on your mouse or rotate it by using the round handle.

When you start placing vessels on the map, they are added to a new berthing plan. If you want to save the plan, fill in the required information and click Save.

Admins can define users who have access to vessel library and berthing plans via user groups. See more in here.

Add a vessel

You can add a vessel to the library or just straight on the map by cliking the +button in the Vessel library tool. Add the lenght and width of the vessel to be able to save it. Draught-field is optional! If you don't want to save the vessel to the library for future use you can just set the details and click on the map to place the vessel. If you want the vessel to have a certain outline you can click on the Upload outline button and select a DXF or DWG file from your device. Note that the file type needs to be 2013 or older for the upload to succeed!

If you want to delete a vessel you can do this via the Vessel library page from the left side panel!

Berthing plans

You can add new berthing plans either by activating the Vessel library tool or via the Berthing plans panel on the right side.

After you have added your vessels and their position to the map, you can save the berthing plan with the following information:

Description - free text

You can always access an older version of a berthing plan via History by clicking the version you want to see. You can duplicate any previous version of the plan -  you won't lose the original plan when you duplicate it!

All data will be lost if you delete the plan.


Search your berthing plans by name, validity, or vessels.

Updated on: 25/11/2024

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