Articles on: Digital twin

Upload & Visualise 3D data

Data formats

Datasets are ready for upload when they are in a global coordinate system and an assigned height reference system, and compressed into one ZIP file.

ZIP file maximum size can be up to 2GB & amount of points can be 50 million, but usually device graphics cards don’t support large datasets, so under 1 GB is recommended to be convenient for utilisation.

Supported 3D model formats: .obj and .ifc. If the .obj file includes textures, include also the .mtl and .png/.jpeg -files to the same compressed ZIP file.
Supported point cloud file formats: .asc, .xyz, .csv, .txt, .las. Files should include coordinates in X, Y, Z format. Separators can be space, comma, tabulator, vertical bar, colon, or semicolon.

You can add colors to the point cloud files by adding the RGB values after point coordinates.

Make sure there are no double points in your files.


To upload the files, open the upload panel and select Datasets, after this drag and drop the ZIP file onto the map, or select files by clicking the Upload field in the panel. Once successfully uploaded, the file will appear on top of the Datasets list, and the conversion process will start automatically. Access the dataset after the conversion process by clicking it.

If you upload point cloud files with different Z-direction, you need to select Invert Z-values of datasets from the upper right corner of the upload panel.

After the upload, the conversion process will start and you will see the dataset on the Datasets panel. While the dataset is being processed it cannot be removed.

Only admins and users with suitable permissions can upload & edit datasets

Dataset information

After the conversion process is done, you need to enter some required information about the dataset before you can finalise it. After all the required fields have been filled, your dataset's status will be set to completed and all users who have access to datasets can see it. Read more about user groups and their permissions here.

Incomplete datasets are only visible for users with permission to manage datasets

Use the drop-down menu to select the preferred coordinate system for your geo-referenced point cloud. For datasets with a local coordinate system, click Place the dataset manually on the map and select the location by double clicking. Move and rotate the dataset by dragging.

General info

Name (The default name of the dataset is the same as the name of your ZIP file)
The start and end date for when the survey was carried out (The default date is the uploading date to GISGRO)
Coordinate system
Vertical coordinate system

After finalising the dataset the coordinate system can no longer be edited

Data visualisation

In 3D view, you can use visualisation tools, edit Z-value indicators and set the default cover photo & camera angle to a dataset.

You need to set the coordinate system before you can access 3D view.

Access 3D by clicking the 3D image on the left corner or 3D button in the dataset panel.

Colors & point size

Add colors to your datasets in 3D. Access the settings via dataset panel's Edit button. Click Set colors to your dataset on the panel

In the settings, you can define segments

Name (visible on layers)
Point cloud size (default is medium)

Add colors by selecting the segment you want to edit. When adding new colormaps you can select from templates you have created. You can modify the values by using the slider or editing values on the table.

Edit Z-value indicators

Edit the elevation value indicators of 3D data to measure the depth of a specific spot. The indicators are called  Z-values in GISGRO. Access the editing by clicking Edit Z-values on the panel. This will activate the editing mode and you can start adding Z-values by clicking on the location of your choice. Delete a Z-value by pressing Shift and clicking on it. Z-values can also be selected as soundings in bathymetric tools. Read more about bathymetric tools and soundings here.

Default camera angle & cover photo

Default camera angle sets in which angle the 3D view is opened. It also defines the cover photo, which is visible on the map.

Add the default camera angle in 3D. Rotate & set the wanted zoom level where the dataset is best presented, after that click the camera icon in dataset editing.

Updated on: 25/11/2024

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