User settings
User settings is the place to go if you wish to review your Account details.
This section shows your email address and name. You can change all information.
Additionally, you can choose the language setting for the GISGRO app. Current languages available:
Remember to Save changes before proceeding.
In this section, you can change your password. Make sure your password has at least 8 characters. Consider using a combination of unique characters, letters, and numbers to create a strong password.
Account Details
This section shows your email address and name. You can change all information.
Additionally, you can choose the language setting for the GISGRO app. Current languages available:
Remember to Save changes before proceeding.
Change password
In this section, you can change your password. Make sure your password has at least 8 characters. Consider using a combination of unique characters, letters, and numbers to create a strong password.
Updated on: 25/11/2024
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