Articles on: Vessel traffic

Vessel library

Vessel library

You can manage your vessels and their details with GISGRO Vessel library. The library is available to Vessel traffic and Community module users and it’s also included in the Vessel simulator add-on!

Access Vessel library

Open the Vessel library from the left side menu. You can search for vessels by selecting an attribute from the drop down list and typing in the wanted values and clicking Apply filter. You can view the full details of a vessel by clicking on the arrow on the right side and hide the details by clicking again.

Manage vessel details

Click on the vessel name from the list to edit the details or delete the vessel. You can set details under four tabs; Properties, Ownership, Capacity, Classification. Click to open the wanted tab and fill in the fields and save the changes. Return to the list by clicking the arrow on the upleft corner!

Add Vessel types

You can view, edit, delete and add vessel types by opening the Vessel Types tab under Vessel library. Start adding a new vessel type by clicking the + icon and naming it. You can also select default port call services and additional details from the drop down menus. To set a type for a vessel open vessel details and the Classification tab and choose the wanted one from the drop down menu.

Updated on: 22/01/2025

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