Vessel library
Vessel library You can manage your vessels and their details with GISGRO Vessel library. The library is available to Vessel traffic and Community module users and it’s also included in the Vessel simulator add-on! Access Vessel library Open the Vessel library from the left side menu. You can search for vessels by selecting an attribute from the drop down list and typing in the wanted values and clicking Apply filter. You can view the full details of a vessel by clicking on the arrowFew readersBerthing plans
In GISGRO, you can easily plan the optimal berth for an arriving vessel. You can save your berthing plans and edit them. Vessel library Click open the Vessel library from the upper left corner tools and select a vessel saved earlier or add a new one by clicking the +button. You can edit already existing vessels and add new ones with more details from the Vessel library page you can access via left side navigation panel. Read more about the Vessel library page here! After you have selecteFew readersPort calls
Port calls With Vessel traffic module you can manage port calls easily via GISGRO. You can also check the availability of the berths and add new port calls with our visual platform combining the calendar view and map of the port. View the calendar To access the calendar view open *Few readers